Browse Exhibits (4 total)

Villainous Symbols


This exhibit contains items which say something beyond their physical form. They say something about the person who uses them, wears them, or is in possession of a particular item. The aim of this exhibit is to look beyond and understand what the item says about the person, specifically villains, and understand what more an item may be saying other than its utilitarian use.


Items of Chaos


These items of chaos may also be considered items of impact. These items have received this title because of the significant impact they have on the overall bearing of the piece of literature from which they come. Items that also have a significant representation of some theme or dynamic are also included.


Symbolism in The Great Gatsby


A collection of symbols found in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and their meaning within the text. These symbols come in all forms, from simple objects to locations.

Literary Symbolism: the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. Generally, it is an object representing another to give it an entirely different meaning that is much deeper and more significant.

Common Theme of Symbols in The Great Gatsby: Most of the symbolism within The Great Gatsby represents one of two things. The first is the facade or exterior life that Gatsby puts on as well as the facade that all of the wealthy put on. They are never what they seem, always trying to be something more. They are fake. Some can see through this facade, others cannot. A second common theme is deterioration. This is the deterioration of both life and the world in the pursuit of wealth. This deterioration is not just of the poor by the power hungry upper class.Gatsby in many ways is causing himself to deteriorate, and this eventually leads to his death.

Although symbolism is most often held by objects, it can be found in many other elements within The Great Gatsby as well. Symbolism can be found in settings and locations, as well as characters contained within the novel. There is page for each of these, so far including Objects, Locations, and People. 

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Symbolism in Dark Souls


FromSoftware is a company known for making games that are mechanically challenging, aesthetically pleasing, and narratively confusing. The storytelling in their games is rarely straightforward, and information about the narrative or themes is almost never given directly. In spite of this indirect method of storytelling, when one looks closer at FromSoftware’s breakout title Dark Souls, it becomes clear how thematically rich the game is. Many of Dark Souls’ themes are solely communicated by gameplay elements. This method of communicating themes takes full advantage of the interactive medium and allows a player to discover the meaning in the story themselves. Combine this with the fact that multiple elements and items in Dark Souls contribute to these broader ideas, and the first and perhaps even subsequent playthrough of Dark Souls can be a very introspective experience. These pages examine just some of the themes presented in Dark Souls through the items a player can find in the world of Lordran. 

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