Rare & Precious Items


Rare & Precious Items


Gems, Treasures, Personal Memorabilia, Heirlooms, Antiques


Items which have the primary purpose of being valuable.

Collection Items

The Infernal Cup
The Infernal Cup acts as the foil to the Mortal Cup; where the Mortal Cup has angelic properties the Infernal Cup has demonic properties. It turns Shadowhunters, a hybrid species of mortal and angel, into Dark Shadowhunters, which demonizes the angel…

The Golden Triforce
A powerful artifact created by the three golden goddesses, Din, Farore, and Nayru. Each triangle represents one trait that each goddess valued highly. Din's piece of Power, Nayru's piece of Wisdom, and Farore's piece of Courage. It is said that when…

Spiritual Stones
Three stones with spiritual representation of the three goddess' gifted to the three races of the land besides the Hylians. The Koriri's Emerald, Goron's Ruby and Zora's Sapphire, given to the leader of each race as an heirloom. They are also keys to…

Lock of Marrianne’s Hair
During a trip to Barton Cottage, Willoughby cuts a long lock of Marrianne’s hair from her head and puts it into his pocket-book. Margaret spies this action and the Dashwood women consider it as further proof that Marrianne and Willoughby are secretly…

Mr. Darcy’s Letter
Mr. Darcy’s letter of explanation to Elizabeth is a turning point in their love story. After Elizabeth rejects Mr. Darcy’s marriage proposal, he writes a letter that addresses two accusations she made against him – his treatment of Wickham and his…

Harriet’s Box of Treasures
Harriet keeps a special wooden box with mementos from her days with Mr. Elton. She has a small piece of cloth that he discarded and the stump of a used pencil. The insignificance of the objects demonstrates the lack of real evidence of Mr. Elton’s…

Mr. Driscoll's Stolen Money
These coins, totaling two dollars were left on Mr. Driscoll's desk and then stolen by three of his slaves. Roxy, too, noticed the money, but lingering spiritual fervor dissuaded her from stealing. When none would confess to the theft, Mr. Driscoll…

Bob the Skull
This skull is a receptacle for an ancient knowledge spirit that assists Harry Dresden in his investigations throughout Chicago. He can reveal the deepest and darkest secrets of magic when he chooses to help. Bob is essentially an encyclopedia of…
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