Captain Benwick had a small miniature painting of himself done by a German artist. He meant to give it to his fiancé at the time, Fanny, but she passed away. After he is engaged to Louisa, he asks his friend, Fanny’s brother, Captain Harville, to…
Eleanor Tilney has a portrait of her late mother in her bedroom. Catherine believes the portrait’s subject is lovely and pensive, but she also finds the portrait mysterious because she believes that General Tilney should have it in his room. His…
Emma paints a portrait of Harriet because she believes it will draw Mr. Elton’s attention to Harriet. The painting embodies the misunderstandings that take place between the three of them when Mr. Elton praises Harriet with the intent of pleasing…
Elinor painted a set of screens for her sister-in-law, Fanny. Fanny had them put into frames and mounted in her drawing room to shield between a person and the fireplace. When John draws attention to the screens, the reactions of the group reveal…