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Fanny’s brother William gives her an amber cross as a gift, but she is distressed about wearing it to his ball because she has no chain to wear it on. William could not afford the gold chain to wear it with, illustrating the struggle for both…

Sir Walter Elliot is fond of perusing his copy of the Beronetage to find his own name listed. When his daughters are married, he also takes pride in adding them to Elliot entry. As a man who does not care for reading, Sir Elliot’s affection for the…

Captain Harville’s home is furnished with several varieties of exotic wood, excellently worked up, that he brought back from his travels around the world in the navy. His modest home has all the necessities, but he brings it to life with tokens from…

Edward’s ring is distinguished by the plait of hair at its center. Marrianne is the first to mention it, and though believing that her sister, Elinor, gave the ring to Edward as a token of love, she politely asks Edward if it is from his sister,…

Elinor painted a set of screens for her sister-in-law, Fanny. Fanny had them put into frames and mounted in her drawing room to shield between a person and the fireplace. When John draws attention to the screens, the reactions of the group reveal…

The Bertram’s give Fanny a new white dress on the occasion of her cousin Maria’s wedding. She next wears the dress to the Grant’s dinner party, the first dinner party she is invited to attend. The dress symbolizes her new status now that Maria and…

The gift of writing paper is Edmund Bertram’s first act of kindness toward Fanny Price. When she arrives at the Bertram’s home, she is too shy to ask for paper to write to her brother, though she desperately misses her family. Edmund is the only…

Mr. Collins chooses Sermons to Young Women by James Fordyce to read to his 5 female cousins for entertainment. He refuses to continue reading after Lydia interrupts and is offended that his cousins are not all receptive to his lesson. It not only…

Mr. Darcy gives his younger sister Georgiana a new piano-forte as a gift. This demonstrates his caring attentions as her guardian and Georgiana’s accomplishment. She practices much of the day and is regarded for her skill. Georgiana’s accomplishment…

Mr. Woodhouse eats a bowl of gruel at every opportunity and recommends it to every guest in his home. The gruel shows that he cares much more about his health than his pleasure, and he is certain that the gruel is necessary for good health. His…
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